Thank you to all the meeting organizers, presenters, moderators, and participants who attended the 2024 I-SCORE Meeting on March 14th and 15th! With 89 in person attendants and 106 virtual attendants, 195 people attended from all over the world. This meeting provides a great opportunity for information-sharing and collaboration between DCP staff, program staff, and Consortia/CP-CTNet members. Highlights from the program include:
- Dr. Leslie Ford, Associate Director for Clinical Research at NCI, kicked off the meeting and welcomed participants and presenters to I-SCORE 2024.
- Dr. Erin Lavik, Deputy Director and first Chief Technology Officer at NCI, presented on developing collaborations and technologies to address challenges in cancer prevention and symptom science.
- Dr. Eva Szabo, Chief of the Lung and Upper Aerodigestive Cancer Research Group, provided an overview of both the Consortia and CP-CTNet Programs, including the science and status of the Consortia studies. For CP-CTNet, Dr. Szabo reviewed active studies, infrastructure, and logistics.
The following speakers spoke on Clinical Trial Reports including studies on the Effects of Low Dose Apalutamide on Prostate Specific Antigen and Obeticholic Acid for Prevention in Barrett’s Esophagus:
- Dr. H.H. Sherry Chow, University of Arizona
- Dr. Eduardo Vilar-Sanchez, MD Anderson
- Dr. Prashanthi Thota, Cleveland Clinic
- Dr. Britt Erickson, University of Minnesota
- Dr. Oukseub Lee, Northwestern University
Enhanced Trial Recruitment and Operations topics were highlighted by the following:
- Laurel Pracht, NRG Oncology Cooperative Group
- Dr. Quincy Byrdsong, Ballad Health
- Dr. Brian Cholewa, National Cancer Institute
- Kara Smigel, National Cancer Institute
- Dr. KyungMann Kim, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Sue Siminski, Frontier Science
Presentations on the second day included scientific sessions on Cross-Network Studies and High-Risk Cohorts for Obesity and Early Onset Cancers
- Dr. Seema Khan, Northwestern University
- Dr. Ajay Bansal, University of Kansas
- Dr. Debasish Sundi, Ohio State
- Dr. Jennifer Ligibel, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
- Dr. Andrea De Censi, E.O. Ospedali Galliera
- Dr. Edward Sauter, NCI
- Dr. Anda Vlad, NCI
Feedback was very positive, and many were excited to have the opportunity to be in person once again. View the agenda from this meeting: We are looking forward to next year’s I-SCORE Meeting which will be held on March 27, 2025 to March 28, 2025. Check the Meetings and Events page for upcoming information regarding the 2025 meeting when it becomes available!