Thank you to all the meeting organizers, presenters, moderators and participants who attended the 2021 I-SCORE Meeting on April 29th and 30th! Despite a change to a virtual format again, over 140 people attended from all over the world. The meeting provided a great opportunity for information-sharing and collaboration between DCP staff, program staff, and Consortia/CP-CTNet members. Highlights of the first half of the program included:
- Dr. Philip Castle the new Director of the Division of Cancer Prevention introduced himself and expressed excitement about future advances in the field of cancer prevention.
- Dr. Eva Szabo provided an overview of both the Consortia and CP-CTNet Programs, including the science and status of the Consortia studies. For CP-CTNet, Dr. Szabo reviewed the infrastructure, approved concepts, and Program logistics.
- Consortia Clinical Trial Reports were presented by Principal Investigators and included overviews of the trial concept, status, and results, as well as shared experiences of trial conduct.
- DCP Nurse Consultant Maggie House gave an update on the Clinical Trials Simplification Committee.
- Ellen Richmond presented the Accrual Quality Improvement Program (AQuIP)
- Dr. KyungMann Kim demystified the DMACC
The final portion of the agenda focused on Tumor Immunology, High-Risk Genetic Cohorts and Special Sessions on Endpoint Analysis and New Agents on the Horizon.
The following presenters gave very engaging talks:
- Dr. Jeffery Schlom
- Dr. Houssein Abdul Sater
- Dr. Renee Donahue
- Dr. Eduardo Vilar-Sanchez
- Dr. Sharon Savage
- Dr. David Weiner
- Dr. Victor Kipnis
- Dr. Shizuko Sei
Feedback was very positive following the meeting with many expressing how smoothly the meeting went and that the topics discussed were very relevant and showcased strong science. View the agenda from this meeting.
The meeting was a great collaboration and we are already looking forward to next year’s I-SCORE 2022 Meeting which hopefully will be in-person again in Rockville, MD on March 31st and April 1st! Check the News & Events page on the CP-CTNet DMACC webpage for upcoming information regarding the 2022 meeting when it becomes available.